The numbers scare me.
It is the single most common statement I hear from creatives. Who can blame them? Personal finance, budgeting, tax 101- we don’t get those classes in high school often anymore. You don’t take a tax class unless you are on the accounting or law path. Suddenly a lack of knowledge makes this scary. So, very, scary. Add in the IRS and it becomes this scary monster and it paralyzes so many.
They never start. Fear of failure, fear of numbers.
You know what use to scare me? The gym. It intimidated me. All these people who knew what they were doing and were competent. They clearly had the answers to eating right and working out. And I didn’t. I could have spent hours researching but research alone would not have raised my confidence in going to the gym.
So I paid a trainer. I worked out at their small gym. I built my confidence, slowly, over time. I could go to the gym now and feel confident. But I still pay for trainers and classes. Why? It’s now for accountability. It’s just who I am. I needed someone to show me the ropes in a non-judgmental setting AND someone to make sure I showed up.
I help with both- the teaching and the accountability. I just do it with your numbers.
I have a link to a free 15 min call on my contact page – let’s get you started and if you decide you need more- we can go from there. Don’t let fear of numbers stop you from your amazing dreams.